# Why another modal/dialog plugin

  • ✅ Universal: works in vue@2 and vue@3 🚧
  • ✅ Renderless/headless: no assumptions about styles or markup. You have full control.
  • ✅ Accessibility first — Focus trap[1] keyboard navigation + aria-attributes
  • ✅ Fully controlled component
  • ✅ Pure vue, no wrapping.
  • ✅ Simplicity + size
  • 🕸 Nested dialogs (questionable pattern (opens new window), not recommended, but possible because it happens (opens new window)) and it's actually in WAI-ARIA examples (opens new window) so...

# Footnotes

  1. Since v0.5.0 focus trap is powered by the awesome focus-trap (opens new window) — go and give them some ✨

# Why Not ...?

Because there are a lot of vue dialog/modals out there that treat accessibility as side-effect not a feature. Also most of them ship with preset markup/styles and you can't use your own components markup with them: this makes this package a little bit more verbose to setup, but way more flexible to adapt to almost any scenario.